Jayde Callejas

3D Artist and Game Developer

Game Development

Since starting to experiment with Blender’s game engine in 2014, game development has become my passion. I spend my time creating games and prototypes in Unity for pleasure and for my studies at York University. A selection of these games can be found on my itch.io page.


Aside from game development, I also spend my time working on 3D models in Blender. Not all of the models I create are exclusively for games, some are standalone renders which can be found in my ArtStation account.

3D Models

Many of the game-ready assets and models that I create are on Sketchfab; they can be viewed in 3D, their material channels can be inspected, and some are even available for purchase.

Who Am I?

My name is Jayde Callejas. I’m a non-binary game developer and 3D artist specializing in hard-surface modelling in Blender and game development in Unity.Born in Colombia in 1999, I now live in Toronto, Canada and am fluent in both Spanish and English. I discovered Blender in high school, and soon after that I began exploring the world of Unity and C#. Ever since, I spend most of my free time building upon these skills and learning all I can about 3D art, game development and various combinations of the two.Currently I’m a student at York University, studying Digital Media with Specialized Honours in Game Development. Some of my games and models are for class projects, while other I have created in my free time, or for game jams. While I enjoy learning, I eagerly await my chance to apply these skills and creativity in a professional environment.I look forward to collaborating with other skilled and passionate people, to create compelling games and contribute to making the games industry a more equitable place to work. If you’re interested in what I have to offer, and would like to discuss work opportunities, please get in touch with me via my Twitter or Email.